Apps to measure average blood pressure on Smartphone, Samsung Galaxy Watch and Apple Watch

Blood pressure, basically, is the force exerted by the blood in the arteries as it circulates through the body, just like water passing through a pipe. If the pressure is outside the proper values, this can cause cardiovascular problems in the future. Did you know that it is possible to measure your blood pressure via your smartphone or smartwatch?

Pressure measurement is done through the heartbeat, which is regulated by the heart. Thanks to technological advances, it is now possible to monitor blood pressure using apps. That is what you read! Have you ever stopped to think about an app that could measure your blood pressure in a simple and effective way?

An app like this can bring a lot of advantages to people, since it allows them to have a better control of their health and to anticipate or prevent problems related to blood pressure. To help you take better care of your health, we have selected a list of 6 applications that can help you take care of your blood pressure directly from your cell phone. With them, you can take accurate measurements and always stay informed about your body’s health. Check it out!

How to measure your average blood pressure

Blood pressure is calculated based on the heartbeats, where in this beating process there is systolic blood pressure (the moment when the heart beats) and diastolic blood pressure (the interval between beats). And through these it is possible to have an average blood pressure overall.

However, it is necessary to apply a formula to find the final value, this equation is as follows: MAP = (2PAD) + PAS)/3, where “PAD” is equivalent to diastolic pressure and “PAS” to systolic. And since this calculation is a bit complex, there are already some tools that facilitate the measurement of blood pressure, bringing accurate and detailed results, even in real time.

Below we will teach you how to measure your average blood pressure using:

  • Cell phone apps
  • Sphygmomanometer
  • Samsung Galaxy Watch
  • Apple Watch


Read too:

Hypertension: What it is, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
Hypotension: What It Is, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment


Applications to measure average blood pressure on your smartphone

01. Blood Pressure – SmartBP

SmartBP is an app that allows you to monitor your blood pressure from your mobile device. With an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, you can record your measurements in a matter of seconds. The app also allows you to create a complete history of your measurements, and offers the option to export this data for sharing with your doctor or your family.

In addition, the app features graphs and statistics that help you track the evolution of your blood pressure over time, allowing you to take preventative measures if necessary. With SmartBP, it is easy and convenient to monitor, helping to prevent health problems and ensuring a healthier lifestyle.

02. Blood Pressure Monitor

Blood Pressure Monitor, or simply Blood Pressure Monitor, is a simple and efficient app that allows you to monitor your blood pressure with ease. With just a few taps on the screen of your mobile device, you can record your measurements and track the evolution of your health over time. The app also provides detailed graphs and statistics that help you better understand your pressure and make more informed decisions about your health. In addition, you can set regular reminders to help you maintain constant monitoring.

The Blood Pressure Monitor also allows you to share your data with your doctor or family members, helping to keep everyone informed about your health. With an easy-to-use interface and useful features, this app is an excellent tool for anyone looking to monitor their health in a simple and effective way.

03. Bpresso

Bpresso is a blood pressure monitoring app that allows you to record your measurements with ease. With a modern and intuitive design, the app offers advanced features to help control your health. In addition, the app offers detailed graphs that allow you to visualize your blood pressure over time, making it easy to spot trends and changes.

The app also has advanced features such as automatic heartbeat detection and the option to set regular reminders to remind you to take measurements. Bpresso also allows you to share your measurements with your doctor or family members with just a few clicks. With its easy-to-use interface and advanced features, Bpresso is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to monitor their blood pressure effectively and conveniently.

04. iCare

iCare is a blood pressure monitoring application that offers advanced features to help you take control of your health. With a simple and easy-to-use interface, the app allows you to record your measurements quickly and easily. It provides detailed graphs that allow you to view your measurements over time, making it easy to spot trends and changes. In addition, the app has advanced features such as automatic heart rate detection and the option to set regular reminders to remind you to take measurements.

The app also allows you to share your measurements with your doctor or family members, helping to keep everyone informed about your health. With advanced features and an easy-to-use interface, iCare is an excellent tool for anyone looking to monitor their blood pressure in an effective and convenient way.

05. Blood Pressure: Control your health and high blood pressure

The Blood Pressure App is an excellent tool for anyone looking to monitor their health in an effective and convenient way. With an intuitive and easy-to-use interface, the app allows you to record your measurements quickly and easily.

It offers detailed graphs that allow you to visualize your measurements over time, making it easy to spot trends and changes. In addition, the app has advanced features such as the option to set regular reminders to remind you to take measurements and the ability to add notes to each measurement.

It also allows you to create profiles for multiple people, which makes it ideal for families or groups of friends who want to monitor their blood pressure. In addition, it has the option to export your measurements to a PDF file, making it easy to share with your doctor or family members. With advanced features and an easy-to-use interface, the Blood Pressure App is an excellent tool for anyone who wants to manage their health effectively.

Devices for measuring average blood pressure

Currently, there are a few tools specifically geared towards taking blood pressure measurements, ranging from manual to digital. Both are effective and everyone can have access to them, as long as they know how to handle them correctly. Understand better which are the main ones below:


The sphygmomanometer is the most common device used to check blood pressure. It consists of an inflatable bag with air that surrounds the patient’s arm, a filling mechanism (manual or electric valve), and a mercury manometer (measuring unit). They are usually used together with a stethoscope.

blood pressure

Anyone can use it, provided they have some prior knowledge about blood pressure measurement. They can be found in the market with a price that varies between R$ 80.00 and R$ 200.00, and it is up to the buyer to pay attention to the configurations and functionalities of the desired model.

Samsung Galaxy Watch

The Samsung Galaxy Watch is a smart watch that has a number of interactive digital features. Among these functions, we can highlight the automatic blood pressure measurement of the person who is using it. In other words, you simply put it on your wrist and it displays your blood pressure on the sensor.

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This is possible because it has an internal photoplethysmography sensor, which measures systolic and diastolic blood pressure as well as heart rate.

The Samsung Galaxy Watch can be found on the market for prices ranging from $ 1,300.00 to $ 1,700.00. This value changes according to each model and specification.

Apple Watch

The Apple Watch is the perfect device for those who wish to monitor their body health. With it you can also measure your blood pressure automatically the moment it is on your wrist.

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This is due to its intelligent sensor located inside the device. There are several models of Apple Watch that can be found on the market and their prices range from $ 1,200.00 to $ 3,800.00.

What are the risks of high blood pressure?

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a condition in which the force of blood on the walls of the arteries is too high, which can lead to various health risks. Here are some of the main risks:

  • Organ damage: High blood pressure can damage important organs such as the heart, kidneys, eyes, and brain, increasing the risk of heart disease, kidney failure, blindness, and stroke.
  • Increased risk of heart disease: High blood pressure increases the risk of developing heart disease, including coronary heart disease, heart failure, and arrhythmias.
  • Vision problems: High blood pressure can affect the retina and cause damage to the blood vessels in the eyes, leading to vision problems including blurred vision and loss of vision.
  • Cognitive problems: High blood pressure can affect the blood flow to the brain, causing damage to brain tissue and increasing the risk of dementia and cognitive impairment.

What is diastolic pressure?

Diastolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart is at rest, between heart contractions. It is the bottom number in the blood pressure reading.

What is the systolic pressure?

Systolic pressure is the blood pressure when the heart is pumping blood into the body. It is the top number on the blood pressure reading.

How can I prevent high blood pressure?

To prevent high blood pressure, it is important to adopt a healthy lifestyle, which includes:

  • Maintaining a healthy weight: Being overweight can increase blood pressure, so it is important to maintain a healthy weight.
  • Exercising regularly: Regular physical activity can help reduce blood pressure and strengthen the heart.
  • Follow a healthy diet: A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and low in saturated fat can help reduce blood pressure.
  • Reduce sodium intake: Consuming less sodium can help lower blood pressure.
  • Avoid smoking: Smoking can damage the arteries and increase blood pressure, so it is important to avoid smoking.
  • Manage stress: Stress can raise blood pressure, so it’s important to find ways to manage it, such as meditation, yoga, or relaxing activities.

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