Online Breathalyzer Test: Simulate Blood Alcohol Measurement

In recent years, awareness of the dangers of combining drinking and driving has reached a new level. With the increase in traffic safety campaigns and zero tolerance laws in many countries, the demand for tools that help drivers make responsible decisions has grown significantly. In this context, breathalyzer simulator applications emerge as a crucial technological innovation, offering a practical and accessible way to assess the level of alcohol in the body before getting behind the wheel.

There are several breathalyzer simulator apps available for Android and iOS, each with its own characteristics and functionalities. Some examples are: Digital Breathalyzer, AlcooTest and DrinkTracker. In this article, we’ll introduce the main features of these apps and how they can help you have a safer and more fun night out. Are you curious? So keep reading and find out more about breathalyzer simulator apps.

Imagine having the ability to check your sobriety status with just a few taps on your smartphone screen. These apps have revolutionized the way people approach the issue of drunk driving by providing instant and accurate information about the amount of alcohol in your system. But these tools go beyond simply providing numbers; they also educate users about the effects of alcohol on the body, encouraging a culture of responsibility on the roads.

Applications for Breathalyzer Simulator

Breathalyzer simulator apps are tools that can estimate your blood alcohol level based on some data that you provide, such as weight, height, gender, quantity and type of drink consumed, time spent drinking and eating. They do not replace the actual breathalyzer test, but they can serve as guidance to prevent possible problems.

Breathalyzer Test

It is important to emphasize that the use of breathalyzer simulator apps should not be considered an accurate way to measure blood alcohol level. These apps are generally just for fun and should not be used as a substitute for real breath testing devices or as a way to determine if someone is fit to drive.

  • AlcoDroid;
  • Drink&Drive;
  • Virtual Bar;
  • AlcooTest (for Android);
  • Breathalyzer (for iOS);
  • Drink-O-Tron (for Android and iOS).

Please remember that these apps are for entertainment purposes only and should not be used to make decisions about driving after consuming alcohol. The only reliable way to determine whether you are fit to drive is by using a certified breathalyzer and obeying local traffic and alcohol laws. Drinking and driving is illegal and dangerous, and road safety should always be a priority.

What cuts the effect of alcohol on the breathalyzer?

The use of products or methods that allegedly “cut” the effect of alcohol on the breathalyzer is not a safe or effective practice. Breathalyzers are designed to measure the concentration of alcohol in the air exhaled from the lungs, which is directly related to the concentration of alcohol in the blood. Drinking water, drinking coffee, chewing gum or using other methods does not change the rate at which the body metabolizes alcohol or reduce its blood concentration significantly enough to influence the results of a breathalyzer test.

The only factor that affects the time it takes to eliminate alcohol from the system is the body’s own metabolism, which varies from person to person and depends on several factors, such as the amount of alcohol consumed, individual metabolic rate and other health factors. There is no quick or effective way to speed up alcohol metabolism or “cut” its effect on the breathalyzer.

The best way to ensure you are safe to drive is to wait long enough after drinking alcohol for your body to metabolize and eliminate alcohol naturally. The time required varies from person to person, but a general rule of thumb is that it takes about an hour for the body to eliminate approximately one standard dose of alcohol (such as a beer or glass of wine). However, it is important to remember that the only way to be sure you are under the legal blood alcohol limit for driving is to not drink alcohol before driving.

How long does 5 cans of beer stay in the blood?

To estimate how long 5 cans of beer stay in the blood, it is necessary to consider some factors, such as the alcohol content of the beer, the weight and sex of the person who drank it, and whether or not they ate before or during consumption. In general, it takes the body 4 to 6 hours to eliminate half of the alcohol ingested, and even more hours to eliminate all the alcohol. Alcohol can be detected in the blood for up to 12 hours after consumption.

One way to calculate the blood alcohol level is to multiply the drink volume in milliliters by the alcohol content and the factor 0.79 (which corresponds to the weight of 1 ml of alcohol in grams). For example, if a can of beer is 350 ml and has 5% alcohol content, it contains 13.7 g of alcohol. Five cans of beer would then have 68.5 g of alcohol.

To know the blood alcohol concentration, you need to divide the amount of alcohol in grams by the volume of blood in liters. Blood volume depends on the person’s weight and sex. One estimate is that blood volume corresponds to 7% of body weight. Additionally, women have about 10% less blood than men of the same weight. For example, if a man weighs 80 kg, he has about 5.6 liters of blood. If a woman weighs 80 kg, she has about 5 liters of blood.

Thus, if an 80 kg man drank five cans of beer, he would have an initial blood alcohol concentration of 0.122 g/L (68.5 / 5.6). If an 80 kg woman drank the same amount, she would have an initial blood alcohol concentration of 0.137 g/L (68.5/5).

These values ​​may vary depending on the person’s metabolism and diet. Furthermore, they gradually decrease as alcohol is eliminated by the liver. An average elimination rate is 0.1 g/L per hour. Therefore, to eliminate all the alcohol from the five cans of beer, it would take a 80 kg man about 12 hours and an 80 kg woman about 14 hours.

Is it better to blow the breathalyzer or not?

The decision whether or not to blow a breathalyzer (also known as a breathalyzer) depends on the legislation of your country or state and the specific circumstances in which you find yourself. The first and most important consideration is to obey local laws. In many countries and states, if you are stopped by police at a traffic stop and refuse to blow a breathalyzer when asked, it can result in legal penalties such as fines, driver’s license suspension, and even imprisonment, depending on the jurisdiction. .

Remember that driving under the influence of alcohol is dangerous and illegal in virtually all jurisdictions. The best way to avoid legal problems, fines and, most importantly, accidents, is to not drink alcohol before driving. It’s always safer to designate a sober driver, use public transportation or ride-sharing services, or wait until you’re completely sober before getting behind the wheel.


It is an application that offers interactive simulations of driving under the influence of alcohol, showing the challenges and dangers associated with it. It also provides information about blood alcohol concentration and the time needed for the body to metabolize alcohol. You can download the app from [Google Play Store] or [Apple App Store]. I hope you find this app useful and fun, but remember: it is not a substitute for an actual breathalyzer test and should not be used to decide whether or not you can drive after drinking. Be responsible and avoid accidents.

Breathalyzer (for iOS)

Regarding the “Breathalyzer” iOS app you mentioned earlier, I am not aware of a specific app by that name in my knowledge base as of my last update in September 2021. However, there may be multiple apps available on the App Store from Apple that have features related to breathalyzer or blood alcohol measurement.

If you are looking for an app that can measure your blood alcohol level, remember that mobile apps are not reliable substitutes for certified blood alcohol testing devices. These apps generally only provide rough estimates and should not be used to make decisions about driving ability after drinking alcohol.

virtual bar

The Virtual Bar app is an app that uses augmented reality to show how alcohol affects your ability to drive. Users can experience different levels of drunkenness and see how it impacts their driving skills. The app also provides information about the blood alcohol level and the time needed for the body to eliminate alcohol.

You can download the app from [Google Play Store] or [Apple App Store]. I hope you find this app useful and fun, but remember: it is not a substitute for an actual breathalyzer test and should not be used to decide whether or not you can drive after drinking.

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