APP to identify plants: Photos, properties and problems

The plant identification application, as the name implies, is a technological tool designed to help people identify plant species quickly and easily. They allow users to take a photo of a plant or enter detailed descriptions, such as the shape of the leaves or the color of the flower, and the app will return a list of possible identifications.

Currently, there are many plant identification apps available for download on mobile devices, including both free and paid apps. And this is what you will understand better with the following article.

APP to identify plants

Apps to identify plants are ideal for gardeners, amateur botanists and people interested in learning more about nature. They are also useful for anyone who wants to check whether a plant might be toxic or dangerous before coming into contact with it.

Choosing the ideal application depends on the user’s needs and interests. Some apps are designed specifically for gardeners and include information on growing and caring for plants. Others are aimed at people interested in botany and offer detailed information on the taxonomy and evolution of plants.

Some apps also offer additional information, such as information about:

  • Natural habitat
  • Necessary care
  • Medicinal properties
  • Understandings about the identified plants

In addition, plant identification applications are a great tool to help monitor and preserve biodiversity, as they allow users to collect information and share it with the scientific community.

See below the most downloaded applications to identify plants at the moment!


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01. PlantNet

PlantNet is a free and open source plant identification application. It was developed by scientists and botanists to help preserve biodiversity and monitor the environment. With the app, users can take pictures of plants and send them to the app, which analyzes them and offers a list of possible identifications.

In addition, PlantNet allows people to share their observations and identifications with the scientific community, contributing to the knowledge base of plant diversity.

The app is mobile friendly and available for download on different operating systems. Below are the download links:


02. iNaturalist

iNaturalist is a plant and animal identification application that also allows users to record and share their wildlife observations. In addition to identifying plants, it can also be used to identify species of insects, birds, reptiles, and more.

Users can take photos of the living creatures and upload them to the app, which offers a list of possible IDs based on the photo. iNaturalist also allows users to share their observations with the community and learn more about nature.

The app is free and available for download on mobile devices. To download it, just access one of the links below:


03. What flower is this?

“What Flower Is That?” is a plant identification application specific to Brazil. It allows users to take pictures of flowers and send them to the app, which analyzes them and offers a list of possible identifications.

In addition, the app also offers detailed information about the identified flowers, including information about the natural habitat, necessary care and medicinal properties.

It is ideal for gardeners, amateur botanists and people interested in learning more about the flowers of Brazil. The “What Flower Is This?” can be downloaded for free on mobile devices. Below are the download links:


04. PictureThis

PictureThis is a plant identification app for mobile devices. It allows users to take photos of plants and send them to the app, which analyzes them and offers a list of possible identifications. PictureThis uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to identify plants with high accuracy.

In addition, the app offers detailed information about the identified plants, including information about ideal growing conditions, necessary care and medicinal properties.

PictureThis is a useful tool for gardeners, amateur botanists and people interested in learning more about plants. The app is available for free download on mobile devices.


05. LeafSpot

LeafSpot is a plant identification application that focuses on identifying diseases in the leaves of plants. It allows users to take pictures of infected leaves and send them to the app, which analyzes them and offers a list of possible diagnoses.

In addition, LeafSpot also provides information on the causes and treatments of identified diseases, making it useful for gardeners, farmers and people interested in preserving the health of their plants. The app is available for free download on mobile devices.


06. Gardenia

Gardenia is a plant identification app that allows users to identify plants based on photos. With it, it is easy to identify plants and flowers in just a few clicks, as it uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to analyze the photos and offer a list of possible identifications.

In addition, Gardenia also offers detailed information on the identified plants, including information on ideal growing conditions, necessary care and medicinal properties.

It is ideal for gardeners, amateur botanists and people interested in learning more about plants. Gardenia is available for free download on mobile devices.


Most popular plants in the world

Plants are essential for our life and have several functions, from food production to air purification. In this list, we will highlight the five most popular plants in the world.

  • Orchid
  • Succulent
  • Fern
  • Pink
  • Cactus

We detail them all below, check them out:


  • Scientific name: Orchidaceae
  • How to care for: Water weekly, keeping the soil moist but not soggy. Place in a place with plenty of light, but without direct exposure to the sun.
  • Price: Varies according to the species and size of the plant. On average, it can cost between R$50 to R$200.
  • Where to find: Garden stores, flower shops and flower markets.
  • Best place to leave: Indoors, such as living rooms and bedrooms.


  • Scientific name: Crassulaceae
  • How to care: Water every 10 days, keeping the soil dry between waterings. Place in a bright place, with a few hours of sun a day.
  • Price: Varies according to the species and size of the plant. On average, it can cost between R$10 to R$50.
  • Where to find: Garden stores, flower shops and supermarkets.
  • Best place to leave: In bright indoor environments, such as windows and balconies.


  • Scientific name: Polypodiopsida
  • How to care: Water twice a week, keeping the soil moist. Place in a place with plenty of humidity and diffused light.
  • Price: Varies according to the species and size of the plant. On average, it can cost between R$30 to R$100.
  • Where to find: Garden stores, flower shops and flower markets.
  • Best place to leave: Indoors with good air circulation, such as bathrooms and kitchens.


  • Scientific name: Rosa spp.
  • How to care for: Water every other day, keeping the soil moist. Place in a place with plenty of light and direct sun for a few hours of the day.
  • Price: Varies according to the species and size of the plant. On average, it can cost between R$50 to R$150.
  • Where to find: Garden stores, flower shops and flower markets.
  • Best place to leave: Outdoors, such as gardens and balconies.


  • Scientific name: Cactaceae
  • How to care for: Water every 15 days, keeping the soil dry between waterings. Place in a place with plenty of light and direct sun for a few hours of the day.
  • Price: Varies according to the species and size of the plant. On average, it can cost between R$10 to R$50.
  • Where to find: Garden stores, flower shops and supermarkets.
  • Best place to leave: In bright indoor environments, such as windows and balconies.

What are the most used medicinal plants?

Medicinal plants have been used for millennia to treat a variety of illnesses and health conditions. Some of the most common medicinal plants include:

  • Chamomile
  • Lemon balm
  • Rosemary
  • Arnica
  • Ginkgo biloba

We describe them all below, read on:


  • What it is for: Helps relieve anxiety, insomnia, stomach pain, menstrual cramps and headaches.
  • Where to find: In health food stores, pharmacies and supermarkets.
  • How to use: It can be consumed as tea, pills, tinctures and creams.
  • Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, calming, digestive and healing action.

Lemon balm

  • What it is for: Helps relieve anxiety, insomnia, stomach pain, menstrual cramps and headaches.
  • Where to find: In health food stores, pharmacies and supermarkets.
  • How to use: It can be consumed as tea, pills, tinctures and creams.
  • Benefits: Soothing, digestive, antioxidant and analgesic action.


  • What it is for: Helps improve memory, relieve muscle pain, improve digestion and relieve anxiety.
  • Where to find: In health food stores, pharmacies and supermarkets.
  • How to use: It can be consumed as tea, essential oil, tincture and pills.
  • Benefits: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, stimulating and digestive action.


  • What it is for: Helps relieve muscle pain, bruises, swelling and bruises.
  • Where to find: In natural product stores and compounding pharmacies.
  • How to use: It can be applied as an ointment, gel or oil.
  • Benefits: Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and healing action.

Ginkgo Biloba

  • What it is for: Helps improve blood circulation, memory and brain function.
  • Where to find: In health food stores, pharmacies and supermarkets.
  • How to use: It can be consumed as tea, capsules, tablets and tinctures.
  • Benefits: Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and vasodilator action.

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