Apps to see your city via Satellite: Real-time monitoring

With the advancement of technology, more and more technological solutions are being developed to facilitate and improve human activities. One of these innovations that has been gaining space in the market is satellite monitoring applications.

These are applications that use satellite technology to provide real-time information on traffic, weather and even the geographic positioning of people and objects.

In addition to providing accurate and real-time information, satellite monitoring applications also contribute to making more assertive decisions and increasing efficiency in various activities. Therefore, it is important to know more about this technology and how it can be applied in different contexts. If you want to know more about satellite monitoring applications, keep reading and discover all the possibilities that this innovation can offer.

Real-time satellite monitoring application

Imagine being able to track, in real time, the exact location of a vehicle you want to monitor or access the weather conditions of a region you plan to visit. With satellite monitoring apps, all this is possible. These technological tools have been increasingly used in various sectors, such as logistics, transport, security, tourism and even agriculture. And among the main existing ones we can highlight:

  • Google Earth
  • Google Maps
  • Satellite Earth map live
  • Mapillary
  • EarthViewer
  • Zoom Earth
  • Bing Maps

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01. Google Earth

Google Earth is a map and satellite imagery application that lets you explore the world virtually. It is powered by high resolution satellite imagery, aerial photography and geographic data from different sources. With Google Earth, you can view cities, mountains, oceans and even space in three dimensions, as well as explore locations around the world through 360-degree panoramic images.

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02. Google Maps

Google Maps is an online map application that offers information about traffic, public transport routes, points of interest, among other features. It uses satellite imagery and GPS data to provide accurate information about the location of different places across the world. With Google Maps, it is possible to trace routes, view information about commercial establishments, find addresses and much more.

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03. Live Satellite Earth map

Live Satellite Earth Map: Live Satellite Earth Map is an application that offers live satellite images of different places in the world. It uses satellite data from different sources to provide updated images in real time. With the Live Earth Satellite Map, you can see weather conditions, traffic, movement of ships and aircraft, among other information.

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04. Mapillary

Mapillary is a collaborative mapping application that allows the creation of 360-degree maps from photographs taken by users. It uses images from different sources, such as smartphone cameras and 360-degree cameras, to create detailed and accurate maps. With Mapillary, it is possible to contribute to the creation of collaborative maps and access updated information about different places in the world.

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05. EarthViewer

EarthViewer is an application that allows you to explore the history of planet Earth through an interactive 3D model. It uses scientific data to simulate the Earth throughout its geological history, from its formation to the present day. With EarthViewer, you can visualize changes in the earth’s surface over time and better understand the evolution of the planet.

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06. Zoom Earth

Zoom Earth is a map and satellite imagery application that offers high-resolution views of different places around the world. It uses data from satellites and other sources to provide up-to-date and accurate images. With Zoom Earth, it is possible to explore different places in the world in detail and obtain information about weather conditions, transportation routes, among other information.


07. Bing Maps

Bing Maps is an online map application that provides traffic information, public transport routes, points of interest, and other features. It uses satellite imagery and GPS data to provide accurate information about the location of different places across the world.

With Bing Maps, you can plot routes, view information about businesses, find addresses, and more.

Major Satellites in the World

There are several satellites in orbit around our planet, each with its own function and purpose. In this context, knowing the main ones is essential to understand how these technologies work and how they can be applied in different contexts. Below, we highlight some of the most important and well-known satellites. Are they:

  • Landsat 7
  • Brasilsat B
  • Earth
  • Meteosat
  • Inmarsat 3
  • GPS
  • DSP

Landsat 7

Landsat 7 is an Earth observation satellite developed by NASA and the United States Geological Survey. It is equipped with special cameras that capture high-resolution images of the earth’s surface. The purpose of Landsat 7 is to monitor changes in climate, vegetation, water resources and environmental conditions around the world.

Brasilsat B

Brasilsat B is a communication satellite developed by the Brazilian government. It was designed to provide telecommunications services throughout the Brazilian territory, including television transmission, internet, telephony and military services.


Terra is an Earth observation satellite developed by NASA. It is equipped with scientific instruments that monitor the atmosphere, vegetation, Earth’s surface temperature and other aspects of our planet. Terra’s goal is to study climate change and the health of the planet in general.


Meteosat is a series of Earth observation satellites developed by the European Space Agency. They are equipped with instruments that monitor weather and weather conditions across Europe and Africa. Information collected by Meteosat is used for weather forecasts, storm warnings and other weather-related activities.

Inmarsat 3

Inmarsat 3 is a communications satellite developed by Inmarsat, a British telecommunications company. It is used to provide global communication services including telephony, internet and maritime communication. Inmarsat 3 is especially useful for companies and organizations operating in remote areas or offshore.


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a set of navigation satellites developed by the United States. It uses radio signals to determine the exact position of a GPS receiver anywhere in the world. GPS is widely used in air, sea and land navigation, as well as in leisure activities such as hiking and camping.


The Defense Support Program (DSP) is a series of reconnaissance satellites developed by the United States Department of Defense. They are used to detect missile launches and other defense threats. The DSP is considered a critical component of the US defense system.

Types of Satellites

There are several satellites in orbit around the Earth, each with its own function and purpose. Among the main satellites in the world are:


  • Communication Satellites: These satellites are used for transmitting television, radio, internet and telephony signals. They allow communication in remote areas and also in places where terrestrial communication infrastructure is limited.
  • Earth Observation Satellites: These satellites are used to gather information about the climate, vegetation, pollution, geology and other aspects of our planet. They provide important data to scientists, farmers, companies and governments around the world.
  • Navigation Satellites: These satellites are used to aid in the navigation of planes, ships and other vehicles. They provide accurate location and direction information in real time.
  • Reconnaissance Satellites: These satellites are used for military and intelligence purposes. They are equipped with cameras and other sensors to gather information about specific areas of the Earth.
  • Science Satellites: These satellites are used to study space, physics and astronomy. They provide important information about the origin of the universe, the formation of stars and planets, among other aspects.

These are just a few examples of the types of satellites that exist in orbit around the Earth. Each satellite has a specific function and is designed to meet the needs of different sectors and industries.

What is Earth’s most important satellite?

There is not a single satellite considered the most important on Earth, as each of them has its own function and purpose. Furthermore, the importance of a satellite varies according to the sector or industry it serves.

For example, communication satellites are critical for transmitting television, internet and telephony signals around the world, while Earth observation satellites are essential for monitoring the climate, vegetation, pollution and other aspects of our planet. .

Navigation satellites are extremely important for aviation and maritime navigation, allowing vehicles to be accurately guided anywhere in the world. In turn, reconnaissance satellites are used for military and intelligence purposes, being considered strategic for the national security of several countries.

In summary, the importance of a satellite depends on its function and purpose, as well as the needs of different sectors and industries that depend on its information and services.


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