Maternity Allowance: What it is, Who is entitled, Value, How to receive it

Maternity Allowance is an extremely important benefit for working women. It is granted by the government and aims to guarantee an income for the mother during the period when she needs to be away from work to take care of her newborn child. This help is essential to ensure the mother’s financial tranquility and so that she can dedicate herself fully to caring for the baby in the first months of life.

Despite being a right guaranteed by law, many women still have doubts about how to apply for Maternity Allowance and what are its requirements. In addition, there are different modalities of the benefit, each with its particularities and forms of request. Therefore, it is important that future mothers are informed about this benefit and know how to apply for it.

In this text, we will address all aspects related to the aid, from its concept and purpose to the different existing modalities and the requirements for requesting it. We’ll help you understand everything you need to know about this all-important benefit for working moms.

What is Maternity Allowance?

The Maternity Allowance is a social security benefit provided for in Brazilian legislation, which aims to guarantee social protection to workers who have just had a child. It aims to guarantee an income for the mother during the period when she needs to be away from work to take care of her newborn baby.

This is a fundamental right provided for in the Federal Constitution, which aims to protect motherhood and childhood, guaranteeing minimum conditions for the development and well-being of the child, as well as for the health and safety of the mother. The benefit can be paid both for women who work with a formal contract and for those who are specially insured, such as rural workers.


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Who is entitled to Maternity Allowance?

All workers who contribute to the INSS are entitled to Maternity Allowance. This includes women who work with a formal contract, rural workers, domestic servants and women who contribute as self-employed or as Individual Microentrepreneurs (MEI). In the case of special insured persons, such as rural workers, it is necessary to prove rural activity in order to be entitled to the benefit.

In addition, to be entitled to the aid, the worker must have completed the grace period, that is, she must have contributed to the INSS for a certain period. The grace period varies according to the type of contribution and the age of the worker.

How much is Maternity Allowance?

The value of the Maternity Allowance is calculated based on the worker’s contribution salary. The contribution salary is the average of your contribution salaries in the last 12 months before you left work. The value of the benefit may vary according to the worker’s contribution salary, being limited to the INSS ceiling.

maternity allowance

Currently, the INSS ceiling is BRL 6,433.57. This means that, even if the worker’s contribution salary is greater than this amount, the benefit amount cannot exceed this limit.

How do I receive Maternity Allowance?

To receive Maternity Allowance, the worker must apply to the INSS. The request can be made online, through the Meu INSS application, or by calling 135.

In addition, it is important to have the necessary documents for the application, such as the RG, the CPF, the work card, proof of contribution to the INSS, the child’s birth certificate, among others. After the request, the INSS will analyze the request and, if approved, will pay the benefit. payment is made

What is the difference between Salary and Maternity Allowance?

The Maternity Salary and the Maternity Allowance are two different benefits, but which are often confused. While the project is aimed at working mothers who need to take time off work to take care of their newborn child, the Maternity Salary is a benefit paid to mothers who take time off work due to maternity leave. The Maternity Salary is paid by the employer and corresponds to the worker’s salary during the leave period, which may vary according to labor legislation.

While the Maternity Allowance is a benefit paid by the INSS, the Maternity Salary is paid directly by the employer. In addition, the Maternity Salary is intended for all mothers who are away from work on maternity leave, while the Maternity Allowance is intended only for working mothers who contribute to Social Security.

How many installments are paid in maternity aid?

Maternity Allowance is paid for 120 days, i.e. four months, from the date of delivery or adoption. In cases of early delivery or multiple births, the payment period may be extended. Payment is made in a single installment and cannot be divided into more than one installment.

It is important to highlight that the benefit is a fundamental benefit to guarantee the mother’s financial tranquility during the period in which she needs to dedicate herself to the care of her newborn child. Therefore, it is essential that working mothers know their rights and know how to apply for the benefit from the INSS. In this way, they will be able to enjoy this benefit and dedicate themselves fully to the care of their baby, without worrying about financial issues.

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